Luka Doncic and Goran Dragic headline the 20-man preliminary roster of Slovenia for the FIBA EuroBasket (September 1-18).
The superstar of the Dallas Mavericks will be the undisputed leader, while Dragic will be a great addition if he finally joins the team. At the moment, he is undecided on whether he will play for the national team.
Selektor #mojtim, @SasoSekulic, je razkril seznam kandidatov za @EuroBasket 💪! Fante boš lahko spremljal že na prvem pripravljalnem turnirju, ki bo med 4. in 6. avgustom v Celju, vstopnice pa so že na voljo na Eventim in Petrol prodajnih mestih. Več👇
🔗— Košarkarska zveza SIovenije (@kzs_si) July 20, 2022
The 20-man preliminary roster of Slovenia is as follows:
Jaka Blazic (Bahcesehir Koleji), Sasa Ciani (Cedevita Olimpija), Vlatko Cancar (Denver Nuggets), Jakob Cebasek (Leuven Bears), Ziga Dimec (Anwil Włocławek), Luka Doncic (Dallas Mavericks), Goran Dragic (Chicago Bulls), Zoran Dragic (Cedevita Olimpija), Gregor Glas (Partizan NIS), Gregor Hrovat (JDA Dijon), Robert Jurkovic (Cedevita Olimpija), Jurij Macura (Krka), Edo Muric (Cedevita Olimpija), Aleksej Nikolic, Bine Prepelic, Klemen Prepelic (Valencia), Luka Rupnik, Ziga Samar (Alba Berlin), Luka Scuka (Cedevita Olimpija), Mike Tobey
Slovenia will travel to Cologne in late August and will take on Lithuania, Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Germany, and France in the group stage of the EuroBasket (Group B).